Wednesday, May 26, 2010

LanGkaWi TriP MaY 2010♥ - IsLand HoPing #1

Our second trip is "ISLAND HOPING". we hop 3 island within 4 hours using a speed boat. with us in the group, there is a couple from singapore and a male (don know where he came from coz he never talk with us and juz keep ask people to help him take picture whenever he saw people walkby, =.= a bit scary to me).
tis is our 1st island - Pulau Beras Basah.(forgot to take picture of the island signboard)
wat we can do in tis island? again...... snorkeling. but the water here not as clear as the one in Pulau Payar and don even saw a single fish near the beach......

i think i am not the one only wondering wat we gonna do in tis island for 1 hour before hop the other island coz there is nothing on the island expect MONKEYS. oh ya, there is lots of monkeys at here. the monkeys here are not scare of human, they even "snatching" from humans if u have plastic bag on ur hand. the "victim" tat i saw in tis case is a child. she was surrounding by 4 to 5 of adults, yet the monkey still manage "snatching" a plastic bag on her hand full with snack. not only once but TWICE!! tat monkey really dare to "snatch" again 2nd time and success for twice =.=

not only tat, the monkeys even got to "open" bags. there is one bag pack (i don know who is the owner) left on the beach, the monkey go near the bag, open the zip of the bag and take out a plastic bag from the bag. the monkey open up the plastic and it is a packet of curry powder inside (i wonder wat kind of person will bring curry powder to beach ?_?)